Saturday, February 17, 2007

Good Deed for the Day

I got some petrol at Pak'n Save Fuel today. After filling up, I noticed a car heading towards the exit with its petrol flap open, and the cap perched precariously on the boot. Some poor schmo with too much on his mind, I thought. Fortunately for him, just a few metres from the exit is a set of traffic lights. Since the car was stopped, I walked towards the line of traffic and called out, "Your fuel cap's open!" I noticed there was a wife and baby in the car also. The wife looked at me blankly. The husband said, "Whoops, I forgot about that."

"Here, I'll put it on for you," I said, and proceeded to do so.

Mr. Forgetful looked on approvingly. "Thanks mate, I really appreciate it," he said.

I then walked away, content that I had brightened someone's day.

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